Fire Whirlwind Berserker Build - Strength-stacking build that is your go-to option if you want to play a typical "spin-to-win" character in Torchlight Infinite.

It causes your Spider Tanks to detonate after a short duration, dealing massive AoE damage to enemies, and give you a very comfortable way to have them resummoned automatically, making it a great build for mobile devices as well Charge Calling Spider Bomber Moto - the best Minion build in Torchlight Infinite, based on the newly added Charge Calling Trait in Season 2.When fully invested, it can reach over 1 Billion DPS, and the build is fully optimized for Blacksail Season 2 Ring of Ice Autobomber Gemma - one of the most enjoyable, and at the same time, extremely powerful build that uses Path of Flames and Cast while Channeling to trigger Ring of Ice with greatly increased damage, AoE radius, and frequency.Shadow Swamp/Shadow Shot Youga Build - Erosion damage stacking build which offers one of the highest DPS levels in the game by combining the Shadow Swamp and Shadow Shot abilities to quickly dispose of your enemies.Electrifying Shot Ignite Carino Build - a powerful Ranged build that utilizes Electrifying Shot to apply potent Ignites on your enemies, which surprisingly enough, offers better Ignite scaling than Burning Shot itself.Because of this, we have prepared a brief breakdown of TI Classes and coupled it with a set of powerful Torchlight Infinite Builds to create a comprehensive guide that will help you choose your Class, prepare it for the end game, and make the most out of its capabilities! We understand that some of you might get a bit confused because of the available variety. Moreover, multiple Builds are viable for each of the Classes. Each of these Classes/Heroes offers completely different aesthetics, gameplay, and strengths. Each available Hero represents a different Class. Currently, you can play as Divineshot Carino, Spacetime Witness Youga, Frostfire Gemma, Commander Moto, or Berserker Rehan. Torchlight Infinite offers you 5 unique Heroes to choose from and promises to deliver "many more" in the foreseeable future (a new addition to the Hero roster is already on the way!).