For example, to change the brightness of an LED. Uploading code Declaring motor pins Setting the PWM properties to control the speed setup() Moving the DC motor forward Moving the DC motor backwards Stop. PWM allows the strength of the output to be varied. Hello good morning, I have created an RC car for testing but I have a problem with a part of the code. The active PWM pin decides the motor direction of rotation (one at a time, the other output is logic 0). It has 54 digital input/output pins, of which 15 can be used as pulse width modulation (PWM) outputs. Pins 9 and 10 are PWM signal outputs, at any time there is only 1 active PWM, this allows us to control the direction as well as the speed by varying the duty cycle of the PWM signal. PWM for Motor Speed Control PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation and is a technique of generating signal with different width of high and low pulses.
Arduino is directly connected to PC through the USB cable and command is given to Arduino on serial monitor of the Arduino IDE. In this project DC motor’s speed is controlled by sending the command through PC.

Pins IN1 and IN2 are the control pins where: IN1Īs shown in the circuit diagram we need only 3 Arduino terminal pins, pin 8 is for the push button which toggles the motor direction of rotation. FebruDC Motor Speed Control Using Arduino & PWM Speed control of DC motor with PC Interface is an easy DIY project. the Arduino motor shield for two reasons: The motor shield occupies pin 3 for PWM A.

The L293D driver has 2 VCCs: VCC1 is +5V and VCC2 is +12V (same as motor nominal voltage). With this code loaded and the encoder connected to your Arduino. If the button is pressed the motor will change its direction directly. Below is the schematic for my motor speed controller. The speed of the DC motor (both directions) is controlled with the 10k potentiometer which is connected to analog channel 0 (A0) and the direction of rotation is controlled with the push button which is connected to pin 8 of the Arduino UNO board. I chose to use a PWM signal from an Arduino to change the speed of a motor.